Tuesday, December 3, 2013

So We Meet At Last...My Old Enemy. Stairs.

The title of this post was in every way inspired by the Kung Fu Panda marathon I watched last night. Those are the best types of marathons, IMO.

Anywho, Yesterday I finally got to meet my new personal trainer Jamie through Snap Fitness. I like her quite a bit! We are now tentatively scheduled to meet at 7:30am on Monday mornings which we have dedicated to strength training and a stretching focus since Mondays will be the rest after my long run days. We didn't push too much at our first meeting. Went over a few goals and she did a few very simple upper body free weight exercises (yay) and a calf machine (boo, and totally unnecessary in my opinion). Out of the 4 areas we worked on - shoulders, triceps, calves, and legs - I wasn't super pleased about the shoulders and calves. Have you seen me? Those don't need any work. At all. Never have. I played soccer for a decade and rode horses/worked in a stable through out my childhood. I have soccer calves and shoulders that can easily heft hay bales. I know I know, the point is to get a well rounded workout that spreads the focus to various muscle groups. But I would like to minimize time spent on those areas when there are others (hello core and fat ass) that are in much greater need of attention!

Because, as we all know:

Jamie also insisted that I need to up (that's right, I said UP) my caloric intake, to around 1500. I feel very tentative about that at best, but let's be honest - it's not like I was sticking to the 1200 cal/day limit anyway lol. So I decided to try it out at by aiming for 1400 (which means I'll likely fall just under 1500, I know me a little too well). We'll see how it works. 

I start running again today! Actually looking forward to it. 

One cool note: Jamie is sending her notes and each training program we do (which combinations, number of sets, and weight) to me via email. I'm printing them off and putting them together in a binder for future resources. She says I should come to the gym Mondays and Thursdays to focus on strength training. 

Right now, the tentative schedule is: 

Monday: No cardio (Rest), Strength Train & Stretching
Tuesday: Run, Stretch.
Wednesday: Run, Stretch
Thursday: Swim (upper body cross), Yoga at night. 
Friday: Run, Strength Train & stretch
Saturday: Long lower body Cross (30-60 min) of Elliptical or Bike
Sunday: Long Run, stretch. 

Like I said in the previous post, December will be focused on establishing my running schedule and getting myself back up to being able to run at least 3 miles. Might take till mid Jan for that. I'm using the couch to 5K program again since I had such success with it the first round; I'm just starting at week 4. 

The biggest downside? I can't risk getting injured and throwing off my training schedule so I'm probably not going to be able to do soccer. Given the big falling out with the controlling hypocritical lazy lying disgruntled-when-she-got-replaced pothead my ex-friend turned out to be who ran the the rec league I'd joined last summer, that might not be a bad thing but I'd JUST FOUND the best indoor team. Made up of people who actually care about showing up on time, who practice, who are decently skilled and have a blast! No drama. I like it a lot and they were impressed with my skills so I'm still on the fence about completely letting that go. 

Current stats: 25lbs away from minimum goal weight. Recording all food. Feeling hopeful about fitting more comfortably into my mediums and smaller sizes again. 

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