Monday, December 2, 2013

Losing My Mind; aka I Signed Up For A Half Marathon.

I guess every morning is a chance to try again. That attitude, combined with the shame/disgust over my failings this past week and the fact I let two very crazy people convince me that the world is indeed flat and that I can totally run the length of it - is probably what motivated me to take a big leap yesterday and register for the Bayshore Half Marathon in May.

This beast right here:

I know, dear reader, I know. I'm nuts. I have never run more than 4 or 5 miles in my life, and that was motivated in large part by getting lost in an unfamiliar city at night in a slightly dangerous downtown area. You may ask, How do I jump from that to a Half Marathon?

You know me. How else? A guy, naturally.

Grooaaannnn. How do I let this happen?? Oh wait I know. He smiled that damn charming boyish grin, and was very enthused, and I got caught right up in it.

Well I guess it's not the worst thing in the world - this is a healthy if slightly possibly most likely unrealistic goal. And it will be in a beautiful area, Traverse City. For those who've never been - fix that. Now. It's my Mecca; vineyards & wineries as far as the eye can see, plus beaches and fantastic food. Plus, my brother's girlfriend will be running the marathon (as well as the previously mentioned Mr. Charm) so I'll be up there with people I know and like. And it will be Memorial Day so it will be warm and sunny and...wait. That almost never works out in Michigan. Ah well, late May will still be above frigid and likely without snow.

All sarcasm and anxiety-related grouching aside? I'm honestly if tentatively excited about this. And without the support of Mr. Charm or the little bro's gf, I would never have pursued this let alone conceived it as a possibility. Their encouragement, support, advice, experience, suggestions and tips will be everything to the success of me sticking with this.

This goal has the distinct advantage of me needing to follow a rather frequent, active training schedule that incorporates strength training, flexibility, and cross training (swimming, biking, or elliptical). Finding the right schedule that balances all of that, doesn't over do it, and sticking to it will be something to watch (so enjoy the show).

The training plan for a half marathon is about 12 weeks long. Given my race date of May 24th, that gives me some lee-way. December's goals, thus, are to:

  1. Establish a regular running schedule (same days/frequency as I'll need during the HM training) and using that to get back up to doing 3 miles comfortably again with good running form. I'm currently only at 1-2 miles. 
  2. Build up my basic strength again - core, upper body, and leg.
  3. Increase my flexibility by introducing regular morning and afternoon stretches, weekly yoga, and the dreaded foam rolling. 

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