Friday, January 10, 2014

Checking In

Well I'm about one week into my supposed new diet and exercise regime. Did it happen? Not exactly. For one, I was stuck out of state with my family (extremely happy extenuating circumstances), and then got a horrible cold, and then had to go into the doctor for a minor procedure which resulted in a small hole in my head and 5 stitches. Frankenstein is so the new black. Get on my level! Oh, and my period started, so all the chocolate, all the time.

So did I get to workout? Twice. Did I stick to a strict new diet? Nope. There was french fries at least twice, and french toast casserole that I'm told had a full 2 sticks of butter in it. I did try to moderate it, sticking to small portions, and renewed my tracking efforts. And guess what? I'm still down nearly 5 lbs this week.

First thought: SWEET!!

Second thought: Jeez. Just how bad was I eating during the holidays?? I am only 2 lbs away from losing all the weight I gained over the holidays, (YES!) but the fact that I can still eat like this, not workout that much, and drop makes me wonder just how much I must have been consuming during the holidays.

Anyway, the stitches come out next week. And aside from the constant minor headache and occasional dizzy spells I'm already feeling 10x better than yesterday (when I had the procedure), so hopefully I can get back in the saddle soon. This pudge needs to go. We are tacking on a new motivation/goal:


At the end of may - or a week after I run my first half marathon - my mom is taking me with my Aunt & two cousins on a girl's trip to Italy. Believe it or not I hesitated before jumping on board. My mom, Aunt, and myself get along best if we are at least 100 miles apart. Different lifestyles etc. Italy is a dream trip for me. But the people you go with contributes greatly to any experience and going with two conservative waspish seniors and my young conforming conservative cousins...well, it made me pause. However as my friend Chris (aka Mr. Charm) emphasized: FREE TRIP TO ITALY. You do not turn that down. Ever. So I'd like to work my ass off to like every single picture that comes back from that trip, to not feel like the fat American tourist. I'm going to refresh my Italian (I borrowed the rosetta stone basics from my in-laws), run my ass off and get a proper wardrobe. Hopefully I can solo day trips in on my own. We'll see :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, Same Start.

Well, I was right. Doing a diet during the Holidays was a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE idea. It wasn't an entirely epic fail because...oh wait. I did gain wait. Balls. Back to the drawing board. How convenient that it's in time for New Years and all those handy resolutions, right?


Something haunts the gym in January. They flock in droves, take up all the equipment and machines without knowing a damn thing about what their doing. They are: The NYR's - The Resolutions (Note: not a cheesy Motown band). Filled with earnest intent, they none-the-less make the serious gym goers cower in fear until Mid January when they go back to their couches.

Do not be a Resolution. Be a Habit. The difference? One is still there in February. In March. In April...and then maybe spends a lot more time outside when the weather warms up but still, sticks with it daily activity and better eating habits. It can be done. I did it. I know what works.

A flashy "cleanse" or "fast" really just helps your body lose the water-storing tissue out of your muscles. It's why you appear so much leaner after one, but when you resume eating normally, even conservatively, your body doesn't keep the achieved form.

You have to accept that a long term commitment will probably only yield 2-4 lbs a week AT BEST and you really should be happy with just 1. Because damn it you're still down a pound. That's better than nothing, and keeping that direction going is what nets you results.

I know I've been pounding this down your throats people, but here it is again: preparation. If you start a new diet but didn't take the time to clear the bad foods/temptations out of your home and stock it with foods you can eat? Probably going to fail, no matter how earnest your desire.

So this week, yes it's January 2nd, but I'm not following my friend's examples and drinking nothing but juice, running for hours, and in general setting myself up for disappointment. I'm getting ready for a serious go at it. I'm clearing my house of bad foods. I've decided on my meal plans and stocking the house with those. I'm setting up a workout schedule, and joined a support group. I'm using this week to ease back to healthy habits over the excess of the holiday over indulgence so that it doesn't feel like such a stark change.

I am going to go back to my favorite standby Jumpstart method for my weightloss: No BSC as my guide, a little DietBet action for some friendly monetary motivation and support, and a personal trainer to kick my ass. Not to mention the girl friends who are doing all those fasts and cleanses and daily 2 hr workouts. Bitches. I need to keep up!

FYI: The No BSC stands for my patented No Bread, Sugar, or Cheese Diet. That's the simplest one out there you'll find, and I have never failed to lose at least 5-10lbs with it if I stick with it for two weeks. Harder than it sounds for me though but it does work. I'll do another post about it soon. Same with the DietBet, but for more information, you should really check out: It's brilliant an I've made money more often than not on there. All the Resolutions flock there right now, and they're easy money haha.