Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Turkey Day. And Why My Timing Sucks.

In case you missed the obvious (like I did), the holiday season is a HORRIBLE time to start a diet! Everyone else is eating holiday treats, rich food, bigger meals, and you're like:

The the best bet to not make yourself feel miserable is to track everything still, try and keep things in moderation, and work on establishing a good regular workout routine. So that when the New Year comes with all those handy resolutions, you're already halfway there and a leaner diet isn't so hard to stick to.

That being said? Not looking forward to having two Thanksgiving dinners and a WEDDING in the same 3 day span.  I will keep y'all updated on my success (or lack there of) at navigating those challenges. I promised I'd be honest with myself/this blog. I didn't say it'd be pretty haha.

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